Choanoke HOME Consortium 2023-2027 Consolidated Plan Draft
Non-Profit Funding Application
The Town Board of Commissioners adopted a policy that requires those interested in receiving funding from the Town of Williamston to submit an application requesting funding. The approved application is available here. If you are interested in receiving town funding for the Budget Year, July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026, please read the application carefully. To ensure legal compliance with any funding provided by the Town to your entity, you must agree to follow the guidelines spelled out in the application.
The Town of Williamston is requesting qualifications for Engineering Design Services for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $667,825 awarded by the NC Department of Commerce. The project will include a sewer line and pump station to serve Smiling Faces Daycare through the Neighborhood Revitalization (NR) program.
Proposal Requirements
1. Qualifications, knowledge, technical expertise of firm. (25 points)
2. Experience with design of projects similar in size and scope. (35 points)
3. Proposed project team bios with relevant experience. (20 points)
4. Familiarity with the locality. (10 points)
The above information should be submitted no later than Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. to Town of Williamston, Attention: Ms. Jackie Escobar, Town Clerk, 102 East Main Street, Williamston, NC 27892.
Upon completion of review, a recommendation will be made to the Town Council for approval. The Town of Williamston is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites the submission of proposals from Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises, and Women Business Enterprises.
This information is available in Spanish or any other language upon request. Please contact Ms. Jackie Escobar at (252) 792-5142 or 102 East Main Street, Williamston, NC 27895 for accommodations for this request.
Esta informacion esta disponible en espanol o en cualquier otro idoma bajo peticion. Por favor pongase en contacto con Ms. Jackie Escobar al (252) 792-5142 o en 102 East Main Street, Williamston, NC 27895 de alojamiento para esta solicitud.
The Town of Williamston is seeking professional services for an Environmental Review for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $667,825 awarded by the NC Department of Commerce. The project will include a sewer line and pump station to serve Smiling Faces Daycare through the Neighborhood Revitalization (NR) program.
The Town of Williamston is soliciting proposals to conduct an Environmental Review that will comply with applicable requirements under Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the North Carolina State CDBG Program under the Department of Commerce.
Proposal Requirements
1. Experience with Environmental Review Procedures for HUD CDBG projects and in accordance with the regulations contained in 4 NCAC 19L 1004. (30 points)
2. Qualifications, knowledge, technical expertise of firm. (30 points)
3. Capacity to perform tasks in a timely manner. (30 points)
4. Familiarity with the locality. (10 points)
The above information should be submitted no later than Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. to Town of Williamston, Attention: Ms. Jackie Escobar, Town Clerk, 102 East Main Street, Williamston, NC 27892.
Upon completion of review, a recommendation will be made to the Town Council for approval. The Town of Williamston is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites the submission of proposals from Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises, and Women Business Enterprises.
This information is available in Spanish or any other language upon request. Please contact Ms. Jackie Escobar at (252) 792-5142 or 102 East Main Street, Williamston, NC 27895 for accommodations for this request.
Esta informacion esta disponible en espanol o en cualquier otro idoma bajo peticion. Por favor pongase en contacto con Ms. Jackie Escobar al (252) 792-5142 o en 102 East Main Street, Williamston, NC 27895 de alojamiento para esta solicitud.
A Little About Our Town
Williamston (pop. 5,522) is located in rural northeastern North Carolina on the banks of the Roanoke River. The early settlement prospered since Williamston, incorporated in 1779, was located on a navigable river and ultimately became the seat of county government. As time passed, Williamston became a hub of commercial activity in northeastern North Carolina.The economy evolved to become dependent upon agriculture, wood products, limited manufacturing, and a commercial center for the region. Eventually the railroad was built, which took away much of the trade that had been assigned to the riverboats. Even though the river isn't used as much commercially as it once was, it still serves the community as a source of food and recreation.
Williamston is a beautiful small town that seeks to preserve its culture and heritage. Its responsible citizenry and progressive leadership have positioned the town to take advantage of the changes being brought by a global economy. The town has an active downtown development association working to preserve the character of downtown, while at the same time positioning itself to serve the participants at the Senator Bob Martin Eastern Agricultural Center and other groups such as retirees or outdoor enthusiasts.
Williamston is the first city in North Carolina to be certified as an Audubon Sustainable Community. The Audubon Sustainable Community program is founded in the three pillars of sustainability - a healthy local environment, quality of life for citizens, and economic vitality. You will find on your visit here, Williamston has a friendly, welcoming spirit filled with southern charm and an "easy living" attitude.
In a review by Millennial Personal Finance of 5,000 towns and cities in America, Williamston is ranked as one of the "Best Cities for Outdoor Lovers."
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